Friday, March 19, 2010

Lady From Shanghai

Can I just say that I am so grateful for the fact that my brother happens to manage what has been my favorite theater my entire life, the Times Cinema? Not only has it been my neighborhood theater for years, (especially now that I live less than 3 minutes from it) but I am able to have the opportunity to experience personal screenings of any films we want, after hours.

Last night we had the second in a series of films hosted by my parents. The first was White Christmas in December, which, despite a horrible snowstorm, was still attended by at least 75 people. This time it was The Lady From Shanghai, and though it was held late on a Thursday night, in the middle of NCAA play (with Marquette playing even) it brought in an estimated 40-ish people. I'm completely exhausted from being up about three hours past my bedtime, but I had a great time watching a film that I had unbelievably never seen all the way through. I'm hoping to write my review today.

What a wonderful experience, and I am so thankful. From what I could tell, there was a lot of food collected for the Hunger Task Force as well (the suggested cost of admission) so it was a win-win. I can't wait until the next one.

Meanwhile, I'm going to take advantage of what is sure to be a cold and yucky weekend (after a beautiful week) and get caught up on a few Scorsese films. I think Chris is going to be continuing his work in his office so I'm hoping that won't be a problem.

Now to just keep my eyeballs propped open and I'll be all set.

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